NoteAugust 12, 2013, was Rick George’s first day on the job as the CU athletic director. For some context, CU was coming off of a 1-11 season in 2012, the second and last season for head coach Jon Embree. The program had posted five consecutive losing seasons, with no hope in sight. The Champions Center was no more than a blue print and a pipe dream. Rick George was taking over at a low point in CU history, and, as a frustrated fan, I wrote a letter to Rick which I posted here on the CU at the Game website. In a sense of fairness, I actually mailed the letter to CU’s new athletic director. 

Below is the letter I sent to Rick George in August, 2013. After the letter, please keep reading to see what happened after I sent the letter … 

An Open Letter to the New CU Athletic Director

Dear Mr. George,

First and foremost, welcome back to Boulder and the Buff Nation! Your last stint with the University of Colorado, 1987-91, was one of the most successful periods in the program’s history. Let’s hope that you are able to pilot the school to similar heights as CU’s sixth full-time athletic director.

The reason for my writing concerns the “front porch” of the University, the football program. It is not my intention to diminish the accomplishments nor the needs of the other programs under your tutelage. However, as all things good for the other programs (read: $$$) stem from the success of the Buffs in the fall, football must be your top priority (Just one side note:  Feel free to tape a Post-It, “Whatever Tad wants, Tad gets”, to a corner on your desk).

When you first came to the CU campus in 1987, the worst stretch in team history was a still healing wound. Prior to the down years between 1979 and 1984, Colorado had never before gone six straight seasons without a winning record, and that six year drought included two 1-10 seasons. Still, the ship had been righted by the time you arrived, with two bowl appearances and an epic win over Nebraska laying the groundwork for a national championship.

The landscape of college football is also much different than it was in 1987. In the 70’s and 80’s, the Big Eight was often referred to as the “Big Two and the Little Six”. Oklahoma and Nebraska dominated the conference, and it wasn’t really all that difficult for Colorado to rise up the ranks amongst the Little Six. In terms of facilities, fan support, and history, CU was on par with, or superior to, the Kansas schools, Iowa State, Missouri, and Oklahoma State (pre- T. Boone Pickens).

The situation now, however, is much worse than it was in 1987. The school record for consecutive losing seasons has been re-established at seven straight, with the Buffs very likely to extend that run to eight this fall. In almost every recordable category, CU is coming off of the worst season in school history. Fan support, while still hanging in there (an average home attendance last season of 45,372, despite an 0-6 home record), is starting to wane.

There is also rampant frustration in the Buff Nation, and it centers upon a commitment to the program from the CU administration, which goes hand-in-hand with the lack of progress in fundraising and facilities improvements.

I understand that, while with the Texas Rangers, you rebranded the ball club, increasing ticket revenues over three seasons by $30 million and increasing attendance by over 40 percent. You also had successful stints with the PGA, the Champions Tour, and with a non-profit organization. It’s an impressive resume, and you will need to draw upon all of your prior experiences to turn things around in Boulder.

I shouldn’t need to tell you that the CU football program is – unlike most of the college football programs in the country – often at odds with the media, its hometown, and even its own University. Fortunately, you also know that these obstacles can be overcome. Colorado was atop the college football world during your tenure, and the Dal Ward Center was a direct result of the Buffs’ on-field successes.

So, can a successful fundraising be initiated, even with no titles coming in the foreseeable future?


I won’t bury you with articles about how other schools in the Pac-12, including those which Colorado should be superior to on and off the field – the Arizona schools, Utah, Washington State, Oregon State – have built, or are in the process of building, significant new facilities. I trust you are very aware of CU’s deficiencies.

So what should be CU’s goal?

Let’s forget about (for now) competing with schools like Oregon in terms of facilities. The Ducks are now like the Sooners and Cornhuskers from the old league – CU cannot generate enough revenue to be on the same playing field on a consistent basis. Oregon’s new athletic facility is 145,000 square feet (145,000! … Given that the average home is about 2,500 square feet, the Ducks could comfortably house 58 American families in their new digs). Such a facility isn’t coming to Boulder anytime soon.

The lesson to be learned from the Oregon model, however, is that, “If you build it, they will come”. Do you know how many ten win seasons Oregon had in the first 100 years of its program? Try none … Zero. Zilch. Nada … an 0-fer in the 20th century. Now, just 12 seasons removed from the first ten win season in school history, if new head coach Mark Helfrich doesn’t average ten wins a season in Eugene, fans will put “For Sale” signs in his front yard.  The formula is clear: Money = better facilities = better recruits = more victories = even better recruits and more victories.

How and why Oregon became a power is not exactly a secret.

Now, let’s take a look at the other end of the college football spectrum from Oregon … and that would be Colorado State. The Rams, playing in the Mountain West Conference, will be generating television revenue less than 20% of what Colorado will be bringing in. CSU, even with the excitement of a new head coach last season, failed to average 20,000 fans per game despite going 3-3 at home.

And yet, as I am sure you are aware, Colorado State is going forward with its plans to build a $246 million on-campus stadium.

Foolhardy? Perhaps. But the Rams are not sitting around. They are taking the initiative.

And by doing so, little brother is making us look silly.

What has Colorado done with regard to fundraising and facilities upgrades since joining the Pac-12? A lot of talk about talking. A lot of announcements about future announcements.

Last fall, after the CSU stadium plans were unveiled, CU President Benson was asked if little brother’s bold initiatives put more pressure on CU to act. His response: “There certainly hasn’t been any conversation like that that I’ve had and I see a lot of people and go to a lot of events,” Benson said. “My phone hasn’t been ringing. My emails aren’t off the walls. I’m not getting any pressure. Somebody else might be, but I sure haven’t heard a word.” (Boulder Daily Camera, October 6, 2012).

President Benson needs to start listening.

So here are your suggested marching orders, courtesy of a frustrated member of the Buff Nation:

1) Go public with your intentions. The “silent phase” of fundraising has got to come to an end, and it has to come to an end now. You were quoted as saying that the goal of raising $50 million by December was “doable”. Rather than push goals back again and again, how’s about saying it’s going to happen, and then making it happen? How’s about telling us where we are at, and how far we have to go? Seventy percent of something is better than 100% of nothing. Give us some reason to believe that Colorado is not being left behind in the current arms race.

2) Be bold. Dream big, and then make it happen. Want to ensure your legacy at Colorado? Be the architect of the revival. This doesn’t have to be a 20-year plan. This can happen in less than five years. Buff fans gave CSU fans grief over the $246 million stadium plan, but at the end of the day it was jealousy – we were wishing we had an athletic department willing to dream that big.

I’m reminded of the opening speech in the movie Patton, where George C. Scott, positioned before a huge American flag, gives a speech to unseen troops. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if the following quote was put on a plaque and placed in your conference room: “I don’t want to get any messages saying that ‘we are holding our position.’ We’re not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We’re going to hold onto him by the nose and we’re going to kick him in the ass. We’re going to kick the hell out of him all the time and we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose!”.

3) Involve the little guy. Assuming no one from the Phil Knight or T. Boone Pickens families is going to adopt CU as their new favorite team, you can’t rely on huge donations alone to make things happen. Sure, if you want to announce the Buffs will be playing in Folsom Field at Coors Stadium (in exchange for $100 million or so), be my guest. Short of that, you are going to need us little guys, and for the past two years, we have been ignored. Even if we want to donate, we can’t (go to your own website, click on “Buff Club” and “Initiatives” … all you get is a “Coming Soon!” message. Sorry, but that is just pathetic). I ran a poll at the CU at the Game website this spring, asking readers what they might be willing to donate to a facilities fundraiser. The poll was up for only 24 hours, but there were over $58,000.00 in pledges. Now, I will be the first to admit that votes in a poll don’t actually constitute pledges, much less actual checks, but the dollars are out there … and my school isn’t even asking for them.

There are bricks underneath the Ralphie statue outside of Folsom. My name is on one of those bricks. I don’t remember what the funds were being raised for that earned me my brick, or how much I was asked to donate … but I do remember – and appreciate – that brick. Give CU fans a goal to reach, plans for an actual structure/facility to look at, and some small token of appreciation. You’ll be pleased with the response.

4) Improve CU’s brand. Fortunately, this is one of your specialties, and something which is desperately needed in Boulder. Yes, Denver and the Denver media is owned by the Broncos, but that is just an excuse. The Washington Huskies live in harmony with the Seahawks, and the Green Bay Packer faithful take off their green and wear Badger red every Saturday. It can be done! As coach MacIntyre says: “No excuses. No regrets”.

5) Go to some tailgate parties. Not the fine china and silverware variety, but those with beer and brats. Listen to the concerns about the ticket office, parking, and other mundane issues. These are your constituents.

6) Do not allow CU to be left behind. The Buffs are currently in good position as members of the Pac-12, but there is talk about a “Division 4”, with the top 64 teams in the country splitting off to form its own (highly lucrative) little universe. There are presently 60 teams in the Big Five conferences. Add in the American Athletic Conference teams, and your up to 70. Independents Notre Dame and BYU might swell the number of potential candidates for the new division up to 72. There may well be some attrition in the years to come. You cannot – must not – allow CU to be so irrelevant in the national conversation as for there to be consideration of Colorado not maintaining a seat at the big boy table.

Relevance begins and ends with the football team (if you think basketball is enough, ask Kansas fans how much love they received in the last round of conference musical chairs). Colorado can’t field a team which consistently loses in its new conference and remain a player. All stops must be pulled in order to stop the bleeding … and it must be done now!

I wish you nothing but success as the new CU athletic director. The fate of the Buff Nation is now in your hands.

Go Buffs!


Stuart R. Whitehair

CU Classes of 1984 and ’87

Post-script (August 12, 2023) … I posted the above letter on the website on August 12, 2013. The comments posted by CU at the Game readers where much appreciated, but I thought that was that. I didn’t think the letter I mailed to Boulder would get a response, or, if it did, it would be a form letter, with a “Thank you for your continued support of CU athletics … ” sort of generic reply.

Instead, the unlikely happened.

Rick’s first day was Monday, August 12th. That Thursday night, the 15th, I was sitting at home watching television, when my cell phone went off. “This is Rick George” said the voice. Initially, I thought it was one of my CU friends playing a prank, but it was in fact CU’s athletic director, calling to thank me for my letter.

We spoke for only a few minutes, but I was very grateful for the call. I was blown away. It was Rick’s fourth day on the job, and it was around 9:00 p.m. on a Thursday – on his first week on the job! Yet Rick took the time to call me – just a regular fan – late in the evening to let me know he had received and read my letter.

That was cool enough, but my positive impression of Rick was cemented a few years later. It was February, 2016, and I was interviewing associate athletic director Lance Carl at the Coffee Shop on Folsom, just down the street from the stadium. As we were finishing up, Lance asked me if I would like a tour of the just opening Champions Center. Of course I said yes. Lance said he had a meeting at 9:00, but it would only take an hour or so, and we could do the tour after his meeting.

I sat in the plush surroundings of the fifth floor of the Champions Center, waiting for Lance to finish up his meeting. When he came out, he asked if I would like to meet the athletic director (his second silly question in as many hours). He took me into the AD’s office and introduced me. Without any prompting, or any other clues, Rick said, “You’re the guy who wrote the letter!”.

Think about that for a second. I had never met Rick George, and it had been almost three years since our brief phone conversation, yet Rick still remembered me. I understood right then and there how Rick was able to raise $105 million in three years – for a program which had never raised more than $15 in donations in a year before Rick returned to Boulder. This guy was the real deal.

Not a surprise … but I am a Rick George fan. Am I okay with CU’s string of losing seasons, unprecedented in school history? Of course not. But with the hire of Coach Prime, and the shrewd maneuvering which allowed CU to return to the Big 12, and at least have a path to remain relevant in college football for the next round of realignment, Rick is gaining new fans.

It’s been a decade of ups and downs, but, if you reread the letter I sent to Rick George during his first week on the job in 2013, I think you would have to agree that Rick has met many of the outlined goals.

Congratulations, Rick, on your tenth anniversary as the Athletic Director at the University of Colorado.




24 Replies to “Dear Mr. George … Ten Years Later”

  1. I remember this letter, I think I may actually be Ro above in 2013…..sounds like me and that was about the time I found this site…. I will always appreciate what Rick has done to build the Champion Center. I got a full tour of the facilities after one of the kick off luncheons. I remember thinking to myself and I still do this facility must compete with any other team in the country. I have seen tours online of some of the other facilities and frankly I still think that the differences are so minor I think recruiters could overcome them pretty easily. I too own a brick, that I go looking for at least once a year……

    On the hiring of coaches….. I cannot blame him for Macyntyre. I think that his resume deserved a chance at the p5 level and the 2016 The Rise is probably my favorite season (even over the national championship – something about the underdog nature, how unprecedented it was, how far the team rose from how low it was, the fact that I had seen many of these players play for 2-3 years getting crushed). The Tucker hire was ok, again a resume that showed he deserved a chance. There are other decisions though that he has to take the negative credit. The pressure to promote Chev. Both during and after the Macintyre era. The hiring of Dorrel. I can see reasons for each, and even supported the Dorrell hire myself it has proven to be a disaster. But that all said the last 10 months will define his legacy.
    Hiring Sanders – now I am not calling Sanders a liar but I believe his natural promotion may be overstating his options. I suspect Cu was the only power 5 program seriously offering him. No doubt lower schools were and no doubt power 5 schools were talking to him, but CU was perfect for him. We desperately needed a qb, a chance for his son to come in day one as qb1. A program that will allow him to be him (I still think many SEC and ACC schools would struggle to adapt to him) and give him what he says he needs to win. Turn over the entire roster? Sure. Come in and say you are going to do it? Sure. Reduce entrance standards? Sure. Pay your assistant coaches more and bring in for analysts? Sure. Upgrade to 3 meals and dramatically increase quality? Sure. And the biggest one: let the coaches brand overtake the universities brand? Sure! When you buy CU gear how much is Prime gear? Let a camera crew have full access the program based relying on Prime to enforce standards? Sure! Think about how much messaging and the “feel” and “culture” of CU are now communicated by unaffiliated you tubers with the only oversight being conducted by the coach…. CU is a massive 2 billion a year organization and the “front porch” (to steal the term from Stuart) is now 3 you tubers unofficially supervised by a head coach……. Think about that and tell me USC would allow any of that? UCLA? Oregon? Then go down south Texas? Alabama? Auburn? I really don’t think most universities of our size and stature would do that. Now look at his experience. Yes, he has won at every level, but his last level was FCS and he dominated that level by superior recruiting. Will he be able to reproduce when the talent is more equal? Will he be able to attract quality assistants ready for power 5 (I frankly expected him to pick up almost the whole JSU staff, which he obviously did not). It is a brilliant hire. High risk, with a huge potential upside and the negatives are overwhelmed by the fact that we couldn’t really get any lower (or so we thought, looking at you Oregon State and Washington State). But someone involved in a 2 billion dollar business this is a HUGE risk. Career defining, career ending. And you set it all in someone else’s hands…..
    The move to the Big12 is also a huge decision. I have to say I was in support. If you have seen my comments I was tired of not controlling my own destiny. Too much of a chance we were left out in the cold. Demoted to effectively the Mountain West. He could have been passive just like the other presidents but instead he made the hard choice seized CU’s destiny in his own hands and moved to the Big12. I love this move for recruiting purposes. I think our banishment to PAC12 after dark lead to a generation of high school football players not really knowing about us. Not seeing us on a regular basis. The 30 mm gaurenteed is solid but will hurt us in the coming years as both the big10 and SEC will be able to easily poach coaches and offer better services to these kids. But the downside of being left out is too much. We had to seize our own destiny.

    So long post later…. I think the Rick George has done pretty well but his legacy will be defined by Prime. Will he stay more than 2 years? Will he win? If he wins, Rick will be known as a forward thinking ad. If he wins and stays for 4-5 years we will be known as the visionary. If prime wins, stays, and ends up shepherding us into one of the big 2 then Rick George will be the guy who was the guy who hired the savior of the program and will like.y get a statue…. Which he will deserve.

    1. Thumbs up especially the last part. If CP is winning and staying because he’s loving it and winning too, then CU could be back in position to get into one of the big 2.

  2. Very cool. I was very happy when Rick George was hired. Over the last twenty years my emotions regarding the Buffs have run the gamut. From dejection in 2005 to frustration in 2011 to excitement in 2016 and then despondency and despair in 2022. I had almost given up that our once proud program could ever come back. And then Rick George hit a home run and hired Coach Prime. While games have yet to be played, I am convinced that this will be his true legacy. He will be remembered well. The fact that he cared enough to call you a few days after he was hired says it all. He cares. For that I will be forever thankful.

  3. Stuart’s website – excellent writing, passionate support and loyalty to buff nation, one-stop-shopping for all things related to CU athletics in any other media outlet. Perhaps he saw in you what he sees in himself – a keen desire to see the buffs compete at the highest levels!
    Stuart – I’m grateful for your work!!

  4. “cesspool of liberalism?”
    Whoo wee
    I was a complete idiot when I cane to CU as a freshman. The best thing it ever taught me was how to honestly think about an issue…..and you need to consider all the angles to truly do that.
    I had a poli sci prof who was so right wing it was easy to get an A by just telling him what he wanted to hear……one of my classmates played the devil’s advocate for this guy and paid for it.

    1. It’s funny when a prof is so one sided in a belief that simply telling them what they want to hear and acting like a believer will help you grade wise. I had a couple of profs in my under & grad courses where writing what they wanted to hear made your grade on the paper an automatic higher score with less scrutiny and checking too.

  5. I have to reiterate Marcus’s emphasis on you not being “just a regular fan.” Regular fans don’t make the effort over decades to place CU at the top of their priorities….with both their time and effort.

    This website is the epitome (and then some) of any website developed to give fans a daily dose of loyalty…..and we appreciate everything you do. CU should be as thankful and grateful to you as much as it is for “The Twins” whom all of us have loved.

    Your letter to RG was really an impetus for RG….he needed stiff encouragement and input from someone like you (who has been a loyal alum and supporter over the decades) to jump on the bandwagon and give him an objective appraisal of the CU apathy.


  6. “Yet Rick took the time to call me – just a regular fan – late in the evening to let me know he had received and read my letter.”

    Stuart, you’ve been far from “just a regular fan” and your insight and dedication is above just about everyone else. I’d say above 99%, but that’d be too low.

    I was going to end the post right there, it makes the point, but…

    Fans like the twins and you are the handful that are at the top. The Twins were loyal “true blue”… err black & gold fans with years of attendance and support for the programs and their faces well known too since they went to all the games, BBall too. You’re maybe second to them in that and years, but your dedication and time spent along with your knowledge and insight are second to none.

  7. Great job in articulating how so many in Buff nation feel. Many challenges ahead, but a lot to build upon. I truly hope Rick George sees your well thought out letter. Thanks.

  8. Great article, I really hope Mr. George reads it carefully and listens to what you have to say as well as the comments from the fans on this site. Especially the part about not trying to be Oregon or Okie State, we need to be who we are and take advantage of what we have. GO BUFFS!

  9. B’Devil, what is it you are trying to say? “mostly anti-education Board of Regents, seems to look upon the CU Presidency as a reward for lifelong Republicanism.” Hogwash.

    The problem with CU not supporting football in the past has nothing to do with ‘Republicanism’ but more to do with the University being a cesspool of Liberalism and Granola-ism Ideology that could care less about athletics, especially football.

    1. B’boy,
      The regents have nothing whatsoever to do with the support of football. What I am talking about in that segment of my letter is a lack of statewide support for education, any education, in Colorado.

      As long as Colorado ranks in the bottom 10-20% of states in financial support of their schools, from kindergarten to college, all public schools in the state will suffer in comparison to most schools outside of Colorado.

      I graduated from CU, so has my wife and daughter, with another daughter there now and a son to start next year. My kids were raised in Colorado and I have had to deal with education in the state for a long time. I am working and writing to make it better.

      As an independent, I have serious issues with both Republicans and Democrats, but in the case of education in Colorado, Republicans have a long history of dominating both the state Board of Education and also the Board of Regents for the University of Colorado system. That being the case, the are primarily responsible for the underfunding of education in this state.

      Methinks it quite possible that many of them share your view of Boulder and CU as “being a cesspool of Liberalism and Granola-ism Ideology.” You and they certainly have the right to your opinions, but those opinions are not in the best interest of a high quality education.

      What the regents and others around the state need to realize is that funding education well is an investment that pays huge dividends down the line. Well educated people are generally the job creators in our country, and those of us who own businesses want to live in an area with good educational opportunities for our children and the children of our employees.

      These kids will become the next generation of job creators. I would rather they do it here in Colorado than to take their education elsewhere.

      THAT is what I am saying.

  10. I have thought much about this letter since I read it. It perfectly captures many of the difficult truths about the program and the frustrations of the fans. I certainly hope that Mr. George and others in charge will consider it. Like most of us I hope and even believe that Rick is the right guy to lead the way. He surely understands that a football renaissance is necessary for all the programs to prosper. The solutions outlined here are straightforward and might even be called “common sense” except that they have not been accepted or even acknowledged by prior administrations. One item Stuart mentioned is at the top of my concerns: the hiring and subsequent firing of the last football coach led to a schism in the Buffs fans unlike any I have seen. Together Mr. George and Coach MacIntyre need to heal that rift. CU will always be under attack by certain members of the local media. Now that some members of the media have gotten the new AD they agitated for, it would be nice if those who openly identify with CU at can honestly support the new administration. Rick George needs to lead the way for that to happen.

  11. Stuart:

    Impressed but not at all surprised by the outstanding, well-constructed “Open Letter” to CU’s AD. Thank you for giving voice to what I feel – and I am confident that others feel as well – needs to be done to restore the program. Here’s to hoping that Mr. George, President Benson and the rest of the decision-makers take these suggestions to heart.


  12. Stuart –

    Thanks for leading the charge for BuffNation! Your words and sentiment are right on as usual. I’ve been a lifelong Buff Fan, am an alum and season ticket holder for 10 years. I’ve seen the Buffs through the good and (mostly) bad and couldn’t agree with you more that this is a critical time for the University of Colorado. Welcome Mr. George and please feel free to call on all donors, large and small.
    Go Buffs!

  13. Absolutely terrific letter Stuart. After reading it I have a strong urge to reach for my check book. Under strong leadership from Rick George and if he follows your suggestions I have to believe the necessary financial support will be forthcoming. I think we might be on the cusp of an exciting future for Buff nation. Thanks for all you do. Just love this website and all your postings here.

  14. Stuart,
    Great letter, you’ve expressed the thoughts of many Buff fans. As one of the “small donors”, I purchased a chair in the Dal Ward Center in my dad’s name, purchased a brick when that offering happened. However, when I was called for a donation after seven losing season I requested to be taken off the donor list until there’s a positive change on and off the field. Now, I’m looking forward to being one of the “small donors” again.

  15. WOW! On the Mark!!! Thank you Stuart. I’m a CU Grad and worked for the CU Foundation from the late 80’s early 90’s…what an amazing time for CU. Never thought we would be where we are today in football…but I really believe things will change and Stuart has nailed the program needed. MikeMac and Rick George will bring us back. Buff forever.

  16. Very well said, Stuart.

    Like many Buff fans and CU grads, I have had my share of frustration and anger at the University of Colorado, and at the state itself for being so fiscally grudging in support of its flagship university. But I guess that is not unexpected, considering how low Colorado ranks in support of any education compared to other states.

    This being the case, along with the fact that the mostly anti-education Board of Regents, seems to look upon the CU Presidency as a reward for lifelong Republicanism, leaves my alma mater in the position of having to depend upon the Athletic Director to be primarily responsible for raising money instead of running a program. And, of course, they wonder why it is we cannot get away with being anti-state funding and paying our guys who raise money less than everyone we are competing with.

    Your recent piece on the fact that CU gets the most out of its athletic dollar in regards to success points this out well. This can work for the non-revenue generating sports, but will not work when it comes to football. The top-tier programs all have several things in common. They get strong support from the state (for public schools, anyway) and strong support from their communities and boosters and the local media.

    Everyone knows that the heart of Colorado sports fans belongs to the Denver Broncos. That has been the case since the 1960s, and it is fine. What is not fine is the disdain for CU held by the local papers. Of course, in the heyday of print journalism in Colorado, the Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post and the Daily Camera all did an amazing job of covering the Buffs in addition to the Broncos. That was because there was actual competition for readers. That is in stark contrast to now, when most of the stuff written for the papers is rehashed over and over in numerous different papers.

    And much of the stuff written today is simply gleaned from the internet. To wit, the “idiots who shall not be named” from the Dorky Post who excel at Yellow Journalism by taking a baseless opinion from the Bleacher Report (aka the gang of pimply faced 19 year old dweebs who think the world came into being when they arrived) and repeating it as fact.

    I believe that Rick George is the right man for the job. If anyone can rebuild the connection between CU and the state and donors, it is him. Likewise, I think Mike MacIntyre is also the right man to bring the CU football program back to national prominence.

    Keep up the great work, Stuart. And welcome back to Colorado, Rick! Let us know what we can do to help you with our family university.


    Mark Rubi

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