National and Big 12 recap for 1997 Season – “Ralphie” and Me

  National and Big 12 Recap – 1997 For the third time in eight seasons, the national polls split the National Championship. For the Associated Press, the National Champion was the 12-0 Michigan Wolverines. Michigan, which had been ranked No. 1 in both polls heading into the bowls, defeated Cinderella Washington State 21-16 in the Rose Bowl to claim its first national title since 1948. In the ESPN/USA Today coaches’ poll, however, 13-0 Nebraska changed the vote of just enough coaches to claim its third national championship in four years. The …


— Dr. Tom — In everyone’s life, there are “remember where you were when” days. For better or worse, you always seem to remember where you were when you heard President Kennedy was shot, when man first walked on the moon, or when the Challenger disaster first crossed the television screen. For Colorado college football fans – okay, maybe only the Colorado college football fans I know – we can always remember two dates. The first, November 19, 1994, was when Coach Bill McCartney announced, immediately after CU running back …