“Fanaticism” – 1970’s overview – Chuck Fairbanks

— CU at the Game – Background for 1980 — “Fanaticism” “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” – Winston Churchill — Before winding the clock all the way back to 1980, we first need to make a brief stop in September, 1985. It was then, without knowing it at the time, that I acquired what would become the symbol of my “fanaticism” for Colorado football. It remains in my dresser drawer to this day. It is my proof of purchase, if you …


Beginning in the fall of 1980, my freshman year at the University of Colorado in Boulder, I began to accumulate a large quantity of CU memorabilia. Programs, newspaper clippings, ticket stubs, pennants, hats, and clothing were acquired and stored. Each year, the stack of memories pertaining to the CU football team grew. I never had any inkling, however, that these boxes of “stuff” would ever amount to anything, much less a “book”. Still, over the next fifteen years, through several moves, I could never bring myself to throw any of …